Start hiring

Find the right candidate

Bring on the seasoned professional. The ideally qualified candidate. The people you need to expertly fill your roles. Bring on the brilliants by starting your conversation with Oyster.

Your ambition is our ambition. Your ambition is our ambition.
Your ambition is our ambition. Your ambition is our ambition.

  Specialists in your sector

Trade the hassle for confidence. Swap pressure for reassurance. We’ve got you covered.

With vast experience in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, we know where you’re coming from, and where you want to be. It means we can deliver the talent you need to get you there.

  • Engineering

    Our team responds to every last detail of the design, delivery & management of our nation’s highways, transport & infrastructure.

  • Housing Services

    Our experienced teams source high-quality candidates, reducing the strain on Housing Associations, Local Authorities and Trusts.

  • Property & Real Estate

    Our specialist experience covers everything, from Planning & Development to Investment and Asset Management, & everything between.

  • Public Protection

    We source and supply expert candidates in Environmental Health, Licensing, Health & Safety, Building Control & Waste.

  • Architecture, Planning & Dev.

    Our core specialism since 2004, Oyster have an excellent reputation for matching both the client’s brief and candidate profiles.

  • Estates & Facilities

    Through our specialist knowledge of compliance, legislation & a thorough understanding of our client's needs, we're market leaders

  • Office Support

    Recruiting nationally, we supply contract and permanent staff for all office support roles, across private and public sectors.

  • Corporate Services

    Operating nationally, we are experienced specialists, recruiting for project-based roles across Legal, HR, IT and Finance

  • Operational Living

    Our specialist team is here to help organisations scale up their operational living portfolios.


  Recruitment services

You’ve got a job to do, and we’re here to help you do it brilliantly. Like you, we’re finishers. And we always get the job done.

That means providing a complete portfolio of intelligent recruitment services. Meeting your staffing resource needs. Helping your organisation perform more effectively. Supporting your success.

  • Job Description Consultation

    Translating what you're searching for into a job description that engages with your target pool of candidates.

  • Hierarchical Consultation

    Analyse staffing hierarchies, structure and numbers at a departmental or divisional level.

  • Executive Search

    Identifying exceptional leaders through deep experience of management structures and market trends.

  • Retained Assignments

    Use us as a complete internal recruitment function, based 15 years’ nurturing relationships.

  • Market Mapping

    Make better strategic decisions about future resourcing requirements and recruitment needs.

  • Psychometric Testing

    Understand the drivers, talents and cultural fit to optimise matching candidates to roles.

  • Interview Technique

    One to one or group coaching for individuals involved in the interview process.

  • Salary Benchmarking

    Drawing on local, regional, UK-wide or even global data to establish current market values.

  • Career Transition

    Career transition coaching for employees at all levels who are exiting your business as a result of redundancies or restructuring.

  • Recruitment Outsourcing

    Reduce the workload on your internal resource and manage recruitment more efficiently and cost effectively.

  • Brand Analysis

    Profiling of peers, potential hires and current workforce to deliver a staffing strategy that recruits and retains.

Your business is our business. Your success is our success.
Your business is our business. Your success is our success.
  • Oyster and my consultant George have been great in finding my latest position in project management! The role has been the best to date and George was always available to answer any questions or queries I had.

    Gurpreet Jassal

    Project Manager

  • It was a pleasure working with Oyster and my consultant Ettie. She took the time to get to know me, my career goals, and what opportunities would be a good fit. She is a great communicator and liaison who continually followed up to keep me updated on the interview & hiring process. Highly recommended!

    Jacob Kaven

    Senior Planner

  • I have worked with a number of Oyster’s consultants, Mairead, Ali, and Dana. All have been professional, supportive and took the time to understand what I was looking for. As a result I have contracts which have been rewarding and remunerative. I would recommend them to anyone

    Jeremy Oates

    Interim Senior Surveyor

  • I had a very good experience with Oyster. Sara and Anthony were very approachable and took the time to understand my requirements for changing jobs as it is a big and daunting prospect. Sara in particular was always available to attend to any questions and would touch base before interviews to give you last minute pointers and wish you luck. Would definitely recommend using them.

    Jordan Green

    Senior Quantity Surveyor

  • They were very professional and communicative throughout the whole process which went very smoothly thanks to their dedication and hard work. I would highly recommend Oyster and Patrick my consultant to others also looking for the right role.

    Penny Panayiotou


  • Oyster and my consultant Jamie were so helpful and diligent in their work with a recent position I needed filling. Jamie was professional and always available to help wherever he could. He always looked to add value wherever possible. I would definitely use Jamie again for filling roles and or a career move myself!

    Maha N.

    Programme Manager

  • Highly recommended. Carla and her team are amongst the most diligent and pro-active recruiters I’ve had the pleasure of working with for many years!

    Richard Murphy

    Murphy & Associates

  • Working retained with Oyster enabled us to work closely with a dedicated team focused on delivering the best candidates. This approach guaranteed results within an agreed time scale and a focus on finding candidates that not only are qualified but are a right fit for the team.

    Ross O'Donovan

    Head of Assets & Property Management

  • With the consistent help from Oyster, we were able to recruit 3 full time, temporary staff, to the team. I am very happy with the work Oyster did for us. They are a joy to work with and have allowed Central & Cecil to focus on customer service, going forward.

    Jemma Brewster

    Service Hub Manager

Request a call back

Speaking with one of our skilled recruitment experts is always a great first step. You can request a call back at a time convenient to you.

We’re givers. Generous to a fault. So here we share all our knowledge and expertise. Give yourself a big advantage in your search.

Tips for success

Read our latest blogs, packed with invaluable information and guidance.


We’ve drawn together the questions we’re most often asked, and supplied our expert answers.